Don’t hide this…
Don’t hide your talents.
For many reasons, it can be quite common for people
to hide their talents and abilities, whether out of fear
of failure or a lack of confidence. However, it is important
to realize that hiding one’s talents can have negative
consequences–for the individual, and maybe even for society.
Consider this…
1. If you don’t let your talents shine, you can miss out on
opportunities for growth and personal development.
2. If you hide your talents and skills, you are denying yourself
the chance to grow and reach your full potential. And you miss
out on the satisfaction that comes from using your talents and skills.
3. Hiding your talents can also have an effect on the people around you.
If you are not not sharing your abilities, you may be denying others the
opportunity to benefit from them.
You have something valuable to offer.
Let it shine!
That’s it.
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