
M&K Crown Danger!

re are dangers in overtraining.

Especially if you continue to overtrain
regularly or even

Here are 5 signs:

  • Prolonged general fatigue.

  • Increase in tension, depression, anger
    or confusion.

  • Inability to relax.

  • Poor-quality sleep.

  • Lack of energy, decreased motivation,

  • Not feeling joy from things that were
    once enjoyable.

The Dangers:


  • Poor sleep quality and insomnia
  • Excessive muscle soreness
  • Regularly feeling under the weather
  • Emotional Changes
  • Injuries.
  • Poor results and performance


And how to recover:

The Key to recovery from overtraining is rest.

This means that you need to limit or even stop
training for a determined period of time

The time will vary depending on the sport and the
level of activity, but most recovery takes between
4 to 12 weeks.

So be careful.


You can go for it, and have a hard work out.


Allow time for rest.

And don’t “over do it”.

Be smart and know your limits.

Pace yourself and set reasonable expectations
when just starting out.

Also, seek out professional guidance when needed.
Again, especially if you are just starting a training

You got this!



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