Something interesting—from the fashion world…

M&K Crown Fashion News


There’s always something interesting happening
in the world of fashion…

But you probably knew that, right?

Anyway, here are two recent highlights:

1. The rise of virtual fashion has been gaining momentum.
With the pandemic limiting in-person fashion events, many
designers have been turning to digital platforms to showcase
their collections.



Some designers have even created entirely virtual
garments that can be worn in augmented reality.

Okay, that’s weird.

2. Not weird–Sustainability and ethical fashion continue
to be major topics of conversation.

Okay, that makes sense.

Seems that more and more brands are making efforts to
reduce their environmental impact and improve working
conditions for garment workers.

We are small, but aware of these things.
And other important matters in our world.

That’s why we donate a portion of profits to charity.


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